Matching frictions in the labour market manifest as barriers to finding the right fit, prolonged job searches, and skill mismatches. Reducing these frictions can foster efficient labour market dynamics and positively impacts overall economic outcomes by reducing productivity losses, especially for women, who often face higher job search costs and mobility restrictions.
To address these challenges, this study is collaborating with an online job platform to gain deeper insights into these frictions. Through an analysis of the behaviour of job seekers and employers on the portal, it will identify key patterns of demand and supply on online job platforms. The study will contribute to the development of targeted interventions, such as skill training programs, improved job recommendations, and enhanced recruitment strategies. Consequently, this project holds the potential to create a more dynamic and inclusive labour market, benefitting both job seekers and employers.
Farzana Afridi (Indian Statistical Institute)
Gaurav Chiplunkar (University of Virginia)
Nikita Sangwan (Indian Statistical Institute)
Yogita Shamdasani (National University of Singapore)
Blue Collar Workers on Job Matching Platform DP-WEE Platform Report August, 2023
Digital Platforms & Labour Laws in India DP-WEE Team Evidence Review July, 2023
Gender, Employment and the Platform Economy DP-WEE Team Evidence Review March, 2023